Friday, August 29, 2014

A Collaboration Project: The Importance of Rules

After learning about the Preamble to the Constitution, Ms. Wilson's class  interviewed teachers and students asking "Why is it important to have school rules?" Check out their fotobabbles below.  We learned that rules keep us safe, peaceful, and help us have fun!

A Collaboration Project: The Preamble to the CE Student Code of Conduct

 Ms. Mejia's class created a Preamble for the CE Student Code of Conduct! Great Job!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Technology Integration + Marketing

Technology Integration + Marketing

One of my favorite Educational Technology leaders is TechChef.  She focuses on seamlessly integrating technology into the classroom.  I ran across one of her blog post's that I thought really emphasized the some of the goals CISD is implementing. 

In the blog post by TechChef, she encourages teachers to use best practice by asking yourself:
*Have I aligned this project to my content standards?
*Have I aligned this project to the ISTE NETS or state technology standards?
*Have I published student work to create an authentic learning opportunity?

It is so tempting to want to use new technology for new technology sake, or use technology because we need an infused lesson, but is that helping our students? Are we enabling them to utilize technology to think critically?

When creating technology infused lessons, be sure to challenge students to think critically while utilizing technology. (Analyze, Evaluate, Create)

Quick Links:
Mrs. Clark's Digital Porfolio - ISTE Standards and ways we can collaborate!

One of the last questions we sometimes forget to ask ourselves is:
*Have I shared these projects with parents?

TechChef shared a great idea on how to get parents to visit your site or blog by utilizing stickers sent home from school. Check it out here!

Don't forget-- I would love to collaborate with you to create a technology infused lesson & an extension activity for the Library! 

What are some ideas you have for sharing technology infused creations with your parents?