Sunday, June 7, 2015

Summer Read Aloud: Mrs. Lancarte

Summer Read Aloud
Hello and welcome to Summer Read Aloud!  Check back weekly for a new video/audio book read by the FABULOUS teachers at Castleberry Elementary School!

Featured Book: Hug Machine by Scott Campbell

Read By: CE Principal - Mrs. Lancarte


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Author Skype

Castleberry Elementary School had the honor of Skyping with author & Illustrator
Mara Shaughnessy

Author of Lego Man in Space
Illustrator of Downpour

The CE Third Graders recently completed an author research project.  They researched various authors and created a lego man using the app mini mi, and then used chatterpix to have their lego author say the facts they learned.  We also worked with the art teacher, Ms. Allie Lamb, for students to create Lego pop art!  Check out their creations below.

We were so excited to meet the author of Lego Man in Space!  The students loved Ms. Shaughnessy and they asked her some great questions! Her cute dog was hit too :)

A few of the questions the students asked included: When were you born, do you have any children, what inspired you to become an author, when did you meet Mat and Asad, which do you like better-illustrating or writing?

Ms. Shaughnessy is AMAZING! & We loved gushing with her about her book Lego Man in Space!  If you haven't read it, you should check it out!  This book covers a high interest topic, science, and an invention created by kids!  Its and inspiring story and is a great addition to any library collection!

Our students also created a lego girl for their newest favorite author, Mara Shaughnessy, sharing what they learned from their skype!