Friday, October 17, 2014

Collaboration Friday: Questions & QRs

Dogs, cats, and Abby, oh my!  CE Kindergarten students enjoyed Facetime with a community helper today in the library -  My sister, Abby Morton, a Veterinarian Technician at Athens Animal Clinic in Athens, Texas.  Students learned about all of the different operations within a Veterinarian clinic. They saw teeth cleaning tools, an x-ray machine, boarding areas, examination rooms, and some "really cute animals".  

Some of my favorite questions the Kindergarten students had for Abby were "Which animal is easier to care for, dogs or cats?" "What is your favorite part of your job?" "What do you want to be for Halloween?" and of course many of them let Abby know that her "Animals were cute!"

Abby - Vet Technician at Athens Animal Clinic

Abby and Mitt

A picture of an x-ray

Following the Facetime with Abby, Kindergarten teachers sent the students on a QR scavenger hunt around the library!  Students were to Identify the different community helpers found when the QR codes were scanned.  They did a great job identifying all of the different members of our community that help us everyday.

Their favorite community helpers were Mrs. Lancarte and Mr. Johnson!  They loved finding a picture of their Principals!

Thank you so much Kindergarten teachers for collaborating with the library to create an interactive, technology infused lesson for our students!

Thank you Abby and Athens Animal Clinic for sharing your clinic, knowledge, and love of animals with Castleberry Elementary School students!  We appreciate your service to the community!


  1. What a fun activity! I love the bit about the QR Codes as well. Very helpful!

  2. Thanks :) It was a fun learning activity and the teachers did a great job extending the activity with QR codes.

    I saw a twitter post the other day about the classtools QR code generator and I realized we do a lot of activities with QR codes and a refresher on the new tools available would be beneficial.
