Monday, December 7, 2015

Wonderbox Ambassador


I am so EXCITED to be selected as a WonderBox Ambassador!! This app is created by Duck Duck Moose. You may know them from the famous app - Chatterpix!  I will be partnering with Ms. Helgen's class to pilot this new app in a school setting!  Be sure to check out Ms. Helgen's Blog,  and mine for updates on how this awesome app will be helping our students, here at CE!! 


  1. So excited about this!! In the new year I will be placing lots of info on my blog sharing all the amazing activities we have done with the kiddos! Thank you so much for having us help you with this... it is so much fun! The adventure will continue in January :)

  2. YAY! I can't wait to try out our Educreations and Wonderbox experiments!
